1013 **Call for price ** About our new, direct digital ignition system: It is a modern ignition system using the newest technology. There are no gears, no rotor, no points, no condenser, no distributor cap, and no maintenance. The only moving parts are the Model T engine’s camshaft driving the optical shutter that is mounted with two shielded ball bearings. Easily timed. Multi-spark (like Ford ignition coils) 50,000 volt spark every 2-1/2 milliseconds while the shutter is open.
Actually, there are two ignition coils. One coil fires 1 and 4; the second coil fires 2 and 3 at the same time. This is exactly the way the modern car system works, with the exception of multi-spark that is proprietary to the Model T Ranch. The coil module assembly fits coil box assembly. Operates on 12 volts. 
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